About Judith

Salut, tout le monde (Hi everyone),

For anyone who might be wondering how I came to set up my Cocorico business, here is my story:
Growing up at school on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, my favourite subject at school was always French.  I could regularly be found sitting at home with a French dictionary looking up new words!  Having successfully completed 3-Unit HSC French in 1983, I was hoping to be able to use my newfound language in some way.

The following years took me in other directions, however, and I found much joy and satisfaction looking after children.  This awakened a great interest in early childhood education, and much time was spent delving into related library books.

My enjoyment working with children, as well as my strong desire to see Europe, took me to London for two years, where I worked as a nanny and travelled.  It was here that I met my gorgeous French/Swiss husband    . . .  and so the French lessons paid off after all!

Back in Australia for the last 17 years, and with two sons of our own, I have since had the pleasure of combining my two passions - children and French - in my own business teaching French to kids!


What's Next for Cocorico ? . . .

After teaching French in daycare centres and preschools for nearly 10 years now
I have finally figured out how amazing the internet is, and how I can use it to expand on the French service that I provide!
So please have a look at my newsletter each month
because I intend to add some cool features and products
(step by step, as I work out how to do it !!).

 (If you happen to have any contacts in the printing/publishing world, please do let me know).

Simple interactive computer games are another idea I have.
  (My mind is buzzing with plans, but let's start with a simple Newsletter!!)

I would love to have your feedback on my ideas, as well as any thoughts of your own that you might like to propose, so please use the comments box, or email me on jakrieger@bigpond.com to correspond with me - I would really love to hear from you!

So, that's it from me for now!  Looking forward to continuing with all your beautiful children, and seeing them develop into gorgeous little "Aussie Frogs!"
As one of the Dads always says as he walks past our Cocorico group at Vineyard Childcare, "Bonjour, Frenchies!!"  I love it!

 À la prochaine,